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Living Lineage

We create a unified information space of the past, present and future of a person patrimonial values


The project provides for the construction of an information resource in the form of a social network and an information-analytical system that allows creating a single information space of the past, present and future of a person and aimed at strengthening interaction between people, maintaining their family and tribal values

Project modules

User features01

Create a family tree

The constructor allows you to add deceased ancestors and living relatives to a common family tree. It clearly shows your connection with the family.

User features02

Analyse your data

The system helps to analyse genus information and helps to find patterns, hidden connections and a lot of interesting information about ancestors

User features03

Talk with loved ones

In order for the family network to grow, it is important to keep in touch with relatives and loved ones. Our project will give a complete list of the possibilities of the social network

User features04

Create a media gallery of your family

"Living Lineage" allows you to store your private video archive. Access to which is always open to you and hidden to strangers.

Road Map

Creating an archive

The private historical archive is the basis of the project and data work in it. The project will be filled with various data from users

Service launch

Users will have access to the function of creation and the family tree layout printing

Social network

A complete social network for communicating with friends and relatives. Family chats and other social features required by users


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When is the project expected to launch?
The project is actively developing. The main milestones and releases are reflected in the roadmap.
Where will my data be stored?
In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, all personal data will be stored on servers located on the territory of the Russian Federation.
What data security guarantees do you provide?
All data is securely protected from external attacks and hacking attempts, and the system also provides for frequent backup of data.
How can I use my data archive?
You will get full access to your documents and will be able to share your documents with other people.

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